Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Random Speculations About Superstition
Somehow, superstition seemed to me like it was some form of "prejudice", in a very loose way. People believe in certain superstitions because of certain ideas that they have in their minds as a result of comments from other people, or even self experience. Sometimes, people make generalisations and blame something for bad luck. Perhaps the first person to say "Friday the 13th is a day is bad luck" is someone who has had a terrible day from dawn to dusk.
Superstitions are not (always) true, yet they still persist through the times of science and whatnot. Why is it so? Do people wish to have something they can do to make themself feel confident? Is luck merely an inner feeling that makes people less fearful and more confident about their actions? Why, then, is there actually a need for superstition, if you merely want a boost in confidence?
Personally, I find that superstition is a good way to make one cautious or confident. When you are told that you are unlucky for the day, one would be careful. If you were told that you are lucky, you would be very optimistic and confident about everything.
So far, I have been talking about the positive things of superstition, but like everything else, there is always a down side. People sometimes take superstitions way too far. The results are sometimes rather dire, but such instances are rare nowadays, as compared to the times when Science was still developing.
Superstitions are a pretty cool thing to believe in, but as long as no one takes it too far, its ok. Also, many superstitions go against Science as we know today, lets take an example:
"Blue Flames in the Fire - spirits are in the house"
We now know that blue flames are non-luminous flames, which are much hotter and whatnot. However, such superstitions were created who-knows-how-long ago. This just goes to show that such superstitions are wrong, but it won't hurt to just believe it xD
Sunday, February 21, 2010
So much for Insight
Anyway, I finally decided to create this blog since I finally thought of things to write about- discrimination.
Will blog about it tomorrow :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I find that the MIDAS test is helpful for one, especially in learning. I can tell from the chart that I am better when dealing with numbers and people, rather than music and nature. It was rather obvious from the kind of answers I gave. Nevertheless, it could be very helpful for people who are unsure what they are better in.
-Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain.
I would want to befriend Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson is a very honest man. He does not lie even though he was aware of the consequences of what he says. Furthermore, he is very helpful towards other people, such as Mayella Ewell, while asking for nothing in return. This shows how good a friend he would make, as he is willing to commit his time and effort to aid someone whom he barely understands, someone who was not very socialable.
Tom Robinson has proven himself to be a very calm and collected man in the face of despair. He did not react impulsively during the entire court session, and managed to stay calm despite all the evidence that was against him.
I would like to make friends with a man who is reliable and helpful, someone like Tom Robinson. A good friend that will stand by you and unlikely to betray you to achieve their own ambitions.
-Conduct an interview with a friend (not from HCI) or family member. Find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. Either record the interview or write out the interview transcript.
(I will be interviewing my brother in the interview.)
Me: What is your view on the topic of prejudice?
Brother: I think that prejudice is something that people think about other people. Prejudice is usually a negative opinion on someone or a group of people.
Me: What do you feel brings out prejudice?
Brother: I feel that the society is a large reason for many prejudices in this world. There are also many other reasons, such as people's experiences with a type of people.
Me: What are you opinions on prejudice?
Brother: Prejudice is very unfair. It is not right to generalise people just because of past experiences or what people tell you.
Me: How is discrimination different from prejudice?
Brother: Discrimination is when you treat someone unfairly just because you think you are better than them. Prejudice is just an opinion, discrimination is more of the things you do to people you have prejudices against.
Me: Have you witnessed any instances of discrimination?
Brother: I think I did see this instance of discrimination. My teacher always picked chinese students over students of other races during discussion and when asking for volunteers. Students of other races are deprives of some chances that Chinese students get.
Me: Overall, what are you opinions on prejudice and discrimination?
Brother: Being prejudiced or showing signs of discrimination gives people a rather bad impression of you, unless you live in a society that generally accepts the ideas. However, it is not a good idea to live by the prejudice and discrimination, regardless of the type of society you are in.